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Why Whole Beans only?

At the greatest coffee we are fanatic about increasing your awareness of coffee, we want you to the have the greatest coffee experience every day, and you won’t have that without grinding just before brewing.

It’s not expensive to grind your coffee, an inexpensive coffee grinder is $8 dollars, if “time” is an issue then purchase yourself a hopper coffee grinder where you just walk up click a preset button, you’re ready to brew with the correct grind and amount of coffee for you.

Hand Coffee Grinder
Hopper Coffee Grinder
Ground Coffee

Try it out
Try it out for yourself, get yourself a bag of good coffee beans, then grind up one batch and then leave it to sit for one week before brewing. Then brew up a freshly ground cup of coffee, then “taste test” both cups of coffee, you will notice a real taste difference between the two.

Here’s is why coffee experts all agree grinding your coffee just before brewing is the recommend method:

Maximum Freshness: Grinding coffee beans just before brewing ensures the maximum freshness and the best possible flavor from the beans. Pre-ground coffee, on the other hand, starts to lose its freshness and flavor as soon as it’s ground due to increased exposure to air.

Flavor Control: Freshly ground coffee allows for a more precise extraction, as you can adjust the grind size to suit your brewing method. This control over the grind size can “significantly” impact the taste and quality of your brew.

Reduced Oxidation: Coffee beans begin to oxidize and become stale once they are ground, which can result in a flat and dull taste. Grinding right before brewing minimizes this oxidation process, preserving the coffee’s vibrant flavors.

Aroma Preservation: The oils and aromatics in coffee beans, which are responsible for much of the coffee’s flavor and aroma, are released during the grinding process. By grinding just before brewing, you capture that fresh, goodness flavor in your coffee.

Versatility: Grinding your own beans gives you the flexibility to experiment with different brewing methods and grind sizes, which pre-ground coffee does not offer.

Grinding coffee just before brewing it provides a fresher, more flavorful, and aromatic cup of coffee compared to pre-ground coffee, which is why coffee experts and enthusiasts prefer this method. This is what the fourth wave of coffee is about bringing you and your coffee to the next level of flavor. It’s all about capturing the coffee at its peak for the best possible experience to provide you with the greatest cup of coffee every day.