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Certified Organic Coffee
Certified organic coffee refers to coffee that has been produced and processed according to specific standards that forbid the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. The certification process ensures that the coffee is grown in a way that preserves the environment and people’s health.

The history of certified organic coffee dates back to the broader organic movement, which gained momentum in the 20th century as a response to concerns about the impacts of industrial agriculture. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established national standards for organic production in the United States, which included coffee. Since then, organic coffee production has been on the rise, especially in Latin America, which accounts for 75% of the world’s organic coffee.

In the United States, the certification of organic coffee is overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through its National Organic Program (NOP)3. The NOP sets the standards for organic agriculture and is responsible for accrediting certifying agencies that verify compliance with organic practices.

Environmental Sustainability: Organic coffee farming promotes biodiversity, conserves water, and reduces pollution from chemical run-off.

Healthier Product: Organic coffee is grown without harmful chemicals, potentially making it safer and healthier for consumers.

Support for Farmers: Organic certification can lead to better market prices and support sustainable livelihoods for coffee farmers.

Soil Health: Organic practices contribute to healthier soil, which can lead to more resilient crops.


Overall, certified organic coffee supports a more sustainable and ethical approach to coffee production, benefiting both the environment and the people involved in its cultivation and consumption. This is one more step in our effort to provide you with the greatest coffee.